

Images may not be used for reproduction, redistribution or sale without the expressed written consent of the artist.

All Images contain a Digital WaterMark of Image Digimarc Copyright Protection.

The materials on this web site are the property of jsb@jsbielicki.comJulian S.  Bielicki, and protected under Title 17 U.S.C. § 101, et seq.

Reproduction or distribution of this work, whether or not for profit,without the express written authorization of Julian S.  Bielicki is a violation of Federal Law, and may be subject to civil remedies, including injuctions, impounding of infringing articles, statutory and actual damages, profits and attorney's fees, and criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment.

1. All artwork, text, and virtual reality appearing in this site are the exclusive property of Julian S.  Bielicki and are protected under United States and international copyright laws.

2. The artwork may not be reproduced, copied, stored, or manipulated without the written permission of Julian S. Bielicki.

3. Use of any image from this site as the basis for another multimedia concept or illustration is a violation of copyright.

4. No images are within Public Domain.

Julian S. Bielicki     D-60596 Frankfurt am Main     Hans-Thoma-Str.5     Germany      

Tel:++49-69-96206428    Fax:++49-69-96206237           e-mail: