Click at the picture above and you will hear the Piesn Obozowa (Song from a concetration camp), the voice of the last living hero of ca. 750 jewish Z.O.B fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto uprise, Marek Edeleman, which begun on 19-th April 1943, and a lot of jewish songs. 
To hear the sound you will need the RealPlayer 5.0 

Chaim Piast

The Uprising in Warsaw Ghetto / Powstanie w Getcie warszawskim

The Warsaw Ghetto, The Ghetto Fights. 

Between the January aktion and the grand aktion, a period of 87 days, the Z.O.B organised a decisive consolidation of the resistance. The Z.O.B organised a new framework, it divided the Ghetto into three major combat sectors, the "General Ghetto" with nine combat sectors, the "shop" with eight combat units and the "Brushmakers Area" with five combat units. Of the 22 combat units each had between 12 to 20 members, with an average age of 20 to 25, the youngest combat member was 12 the oldest 40, the twelve year old destroyed a Nazi tank. Each unit was movement based with 5 United Dror He - Halutz units, 4 Ha Shomer ha Za’ir, 4 Bund, 4 P.P.R , Communists, 1 Gordonia, 1 Akiva, 1 Ha-Ho’ar ha Ziyoni and 1 left Po’alei Zion. Only mobilised units were seen as combat squards. The Z.O.B command was in the central Ghetto. The Z.O.B activities from January to April were geared toward combat and confrontation.
As the Nazis attempted to create Jewish labour camps and move whole shops, the Z.O.B set fire to the shop’s that were to be removed. The Z.O.B organised opposition to the Nazis policy arguing that, "voluntary relocation means nothing more than to complete annihilation of the Ghetto". The Z.O.B "purged" the Ghetto of collaborators and began to challenge the Judenrat at each opportunity. Its main activities were centred around the need to obtain arms, it attempted to get help from many sources and organised a tax to obtain money to purchase arms. The Z.O.B’s activities were geared toward the inevitability of combat, battle strategy and preparing for combat. It should be remembered that the Z.O.B existed exclusively for combat. Yitzchak Zuckerman says; "If I had to assess our errors and the things we did right, I would have to say, I am almost positive that we could have got many more fighters out of the Ghetto. But we were afraid to leave so much as a crack open for retreat. Our fear was that we might arouse the notion that a man could save his life even if he did not fight. It was for that reason alone that we did not prepare any "safe houses" on the Aryan side or cars or people who could serve as guides through the sewers... we saw ourselves as a Jewish underground whose fate was a tragic one, as
an underground that was not part of the overall war of underground’s the world over and would have to stand cut off and alone; as a pioneer force not only from the Jews standpoint but also from the standpoint of the entire embattled world - the first to fight. For our hour had come without any sign of hope or rescue."


Please send your comments to Chaim Piast. This document was updated 19.04.98.