Ponizej tekst do piosenki w wersji pierwotnej zanim Lennon/McCartney zostali zmuszeni do wprowadzenia drobych zmian pod wplywem pewnych ugrupowan, ktore zadaly politycznej neutralnosci tekstow piosenek tej slynnej kapeli klezmerskiej |
To all writers and readers of Shtetlica
from all of us in the Jewish Submarine:
A MERRY CHRISTMANUKKA!!! Chaim Piast We have found a previously unpublished version of
a Beatles song. Below are
JEWISH YELLOW SUBMARINE In the shtetl where I was born
We all live in a jewish submarine
And our shiksas are all aboard
We all live in a jewish submarine
(Full speed ahead Mr. Azim, full speed ahead
As we live a life of ease
We all live in a jewish submarine
Shalom Aloha from Honolule